THE BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF THE SUN FOUNDATION A Corporation Not for Profit --------- On land owned and later donated by Wayne H. and Grace Taylor, the community now known as the City of the Sun Foundation was founded and chartered with Wayne H. Taylor as Founder-President. In accordance with the terms of and under the authority of the non- profit Charter issued by the State Corporation Commission of the State of New Mexico on the 4th day of January, 1971, the original By-Laws of the City of the Sun Foundation were issued by the Board of Trustees of the Corporation. The following By-Laws, issued in July 1975, constitute a revision which supercedes previous issues and amendments. ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this Corporation shall be CITY OF THE SUN FOUNDATION. ARTICLE II - PURPOSES The purposes of this Corporation shall be: 1. To establish a community where the highest principles of brotherly love and mutual respect for each other's philosophy and ideals is a way of life. 2. For religious, educational, and charitable purposes. 3. Dedicated to helping all peoples, regardless of race or creed. 4. To assist each member in his efforts toward self-unfoldment, enlightenment, and creative participation in group decisions and activities. 5. To learn and practice methods of living and working in voluntary cooperation with others in mutual helpfulness, and to fulfill group purposes and projects, prompted by the spirit of love and guidance from within. ARTICLE III - ORGANIZATIONAL AUTHORITY Section 1. Under God and His Emissaries, and serving the Community, there shall be an elected Board of seven (7) Trustees. Section 2. In consultation with the membership, the Board of Trustees: a) Shall conduct all routine business of the Foundation; shall conduct all other Foundation business upon authorization of the membership resulting from action taken at Special Membership Meetings. (Examples of Foundation business requiring membership authorization at Special Membership Meetings: Purchase, sale, or other disposition of real estate, stocks, bonds or other securities having a market value of $500.00 or more; improvements of $500.00 or more; maintenance expenditures of $500.00 or more.) b) Shall, with the assent of the membership, hold the land, the purposes and objectives of the Foundation, in perpetual trust. c) Shall propose amendments to the By-Laws by a majority vote of the Board and/or by petition of a minimum of 1/10 of the Foundation resident membership. All amendments will require 2/3 majority of the membership for ratification. d) Shall form, change, or dissolve committees, departments and other executive groups as the need arises. It shall consider the recommen- dations of the membership in making appointments and in filling vacancies for their proper functioning. e) Shall, after consulting with the membership, make decisions concerning zoning regulations, street and city planning and management, the allotment of homesites, and other important matters. f) Shall at its discretion delegate its authority to any individual or group to carry out certain specified tasks or projects. However, no one shall exceed his authority. -1-