ARTICLE X - MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Section 1. The Board of Trustees: a) Shall hold regular meetings on the first Monday of each month, and special meetings as often as may be necessary, and shall notify the membership at least one day ahead of time if a change of date should prove necessary. b) Shall require a quorum of at least five (5) of the seven (7) Trustees at a Board meeting. However, in case of an emergency, a quorum may consist of the available Trustees. c) Shall consider a favorable vote of five (5) of the seven (7) Trustees necessary to pass motions. In case of an emergency meeting of less than five present, the vote would have to be unanimous. d) Shall announce and make whatever arrangements may be necessary for voting at the Annual Membership Meeting. e) Any Board member who misses more than four (4) consecutive regular Board meetings is disqualified as a Board member. Section 2. The President, Chairman or any other Trustee may call for a special meeting at any time. Section 3. Items of business shall include roll call of Trustees, reports of committees, Treasurer's report, reading of minutes of the preceding regular meeting and special meetings, communications and bills received, unfinished business, and new business. ARTICLE XI - SPIRITUAL, RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL MEETINGS Section 1. The spiritual, religious and educational classes shall be regarded as important parts of the activities of the Foundation. Section 2. The Devotional and Class Committee may arrange to have any member or guest preside over one or a series of devotional services or classes. Section 3. Our purpose is to assure that the Foundation always remains multi-faith and non-sectarian. ARTICLE XII - MEMBERSHIP - GUESTS Section l. Membership shall be open to all, irrespective of race or religious beliefs, who respond to the high ideals of the New Age, and who wish to affiliate with others of like mind and serve the Divine Purpose in community living with other Light Seekers. Section 2. The qualifications for membership are explained in these By-Laws, the Information Sheet for Prospective Members of the City of the Sun, and other material. Section 3. To help provide for the member's homesite, and other basic costs, a Community Development Donation of at least $600.00 is required. This contribution, which is the minimum, may be paid in one sum, in time payments, or partly or entirely through special arrangement in the equivalent in service to the Foundation. A substantial part of this Donation must be paid before a homesite can be assigned, a mobile home moved onto the community property, or a building permit issued. A Community Development Donation cannot be refunded after it is paid into the funds of the treasury. Section 4. A membership may be issued to an individual, to a husband and wife, to a family, or to a group which is specifically approved by the membership. Section 5. The purposes, objectives and interests of the Foundation as a whole shall have precedence over those of the individual family unit or sub- group, although great effort shall be made to be fair to all. Section 6. All guests are required to conform to the rules and regulations of the community. -5-