ARTICLE XIII - HOMESITES Section 1. A homesite lot shall be assigned without cost to each individual or family unit accepted as a member of the Foundation. There shall be issued to the Assignee a certification that he/she shall hold exclusive and lifelong use of the homesite lot, until the said member's assignment is terminated by demise, resignation or abandonment, sale or other disposal of the structures on the lot, or for the duration of the 100-year charter of the Foundation. Since it retains all land in perpetual trust, all lots or land holdings shall revert back to the Foundation for reassignment. Structures occupying abandoned or relinquished lots shall be disposed of with equity to all concerned. (Abandonment is defined as the inability to make contact with the Assignee for a period of three (3) years.) Section 2. Plans for the improvement of a lot are required and are to be presented to the Board and membership for consideration and approval, and the granting of a permit. Section 3. Any resident member may sell his dwelling or other structures to another member in good standing. Only what is movable may be sold to a non-member, and it shall be removed within ninety (90) days. Section 4. Any member desiring more land for a semi-private project beneficial to the community may apply for and be granted temporary or per- manent use of additional space when approved by the Board and the membership. Section 5. Insofar as it is practical, residences, public buildings, facilities, etc., of all kinds, shall be grouped together in their respective areas through zoning regulations. The best interests of the membership and the community, in conformity with health and building codes, shall be the determining factors, in all zoning decisions. ARTICLE XIV - LIABILITY _ Section 1. Each Assignee shall be responsible for the safe maintenance of all things on his/her lot. The Foundation will not be liable for any accident on the private lots. ARTICLE XV - TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS Section l. Individual utility costs shall be the responsibility of the member. If the membership so votes, individual members may be assessed for the costs of purchasing and maintenance of specified equipment or building. Section 2. The members shall also pay county, state or other taxes levied against their homesites, residences and other personal properties, and a pro rata share of all taxes levied against the community land, build- ings and other properties. ARTICLE XVI - ECONOMY OF THE COMMUNITY Section 1. The Foundation operates on a cash basis, avoids indebtedness, and is supported largely through the donations of members and friends. Section 2. It is intended that the community eventually become largely self-supporting and se1f-sufficient. Section 3. Cooperatives providing products, services and produce will be permitted and assisted, if possible. Various self-help activities could be established within the community. Sharing and provision for the future will be encouraged. -6-