4 Shall have the custody and responsibility of loaning books, manuscrirts, tape recordings, educational and other printed materials that are available for the use of the membership. i) Department of Historical Records: • • Shall have charge of the recording of noteworthy com unity affairs, events and historical activities. j) Central Office: . Shall handle incom ng and outgoing mail and the clerical work of the com unity, and serve as a business and information center. k) Various Ecological and Survival Preparation Committees. ARTICLE VIII — AE UAL HENBLE5§l? hEETI?@ Section l. Fhe Annual Eembership Meeting of the members of the Foundation shal. be held in January, with the Chairman or Vice-Chairman presiding, and shall al Irnnercrate the founding of the organization. E] Review the activities and accomplishments of the organization and members during the preceding year, including reports by officers and com ittee cl Announce and discuss plans and objectives for the coming year. dl Elect the members of the Ecard for the com ng year. l Section 2. A quorum of more than half of the resident membership shall be required. A vote of the majority present shall carry in elections and other matters, except where the membership determines that a 2/3 vote is required._ The rule of one man one vote and no proxies shall be upheld. Absentee ballots shall be valid. zaricia IX - P2 ‘:-*rF‘G§ Section l. The Eonthly Eembership Heating shall provide opportunity: al For the officers an committee chairmen to present their reports. · N ,·— · :y rc zaae announcements. c} Io take up matters for discussion and/or action. dl For the membership to ask for infomuation regarding the activities of the Foundation, Ecard, Committees, etc. el Ic discuss and vote upon issues and propositions an to exercise the right of referendum, when necessary. f) For the membership to elect their own Chair an and Secretary. Section 2. Special hembership Meetings: a) Shall be held whenever deemed necessany. e b) The date and purpose or purposes of the meeting shall be set forth in a written notice an provided to each resident member or family, a minimum of ten (l0) days before the date of the meeting. c)§fritten notice of the proposed meetings shall also be posted on all oulletin.boards of the Foundation and announced at all meetings of the Foundation ior a period of not less than ten (IO) days preceding the date of the meeting. dl A special Iembership meeting may be called by the Board of Trustees cr cy·a petition of at least ten percent (10%) of the resident members and the nezbers living in the area. .h. ‘